
Nov 17, 2010

Coral Sea Garden artisan pendant (SOLD)

Nov 13, 2010

Hoh Rain Forest, Olympic Peninsula, WA

Every year around the holidays I select a favorite charity of mine to benefit from any sales I make through the end of the year.  This…

Nov 6, 2010

I'm humbled and excited with a bit of nervous energy with the new followers who have joined me lately.  I have got so many new posts planned on my travels, local news, and of course updates on what's going on in my studio.  I hope to live up to your expectations and make it worthwhile stopping by.  I love comments and your stories.  They inspire me and sometimes touch me deeply with the connection we're making via cyberspace!

As a thank you to all that stop by and actually get beyond…

Nov 1, 2010

This was new to me, so if it's new to you...  I recently received a blog comment that I had been linked to a post on another blog.  I dutifully clicked on the link and found I'd been tagged to answer four questions.  This was…

Oct 28, 2010

I'm not sure why, but until now I've not designed wedding jewelry.  Why now?  Perhaps it's the recent nuptials of my niece.  Perhaps it's the special anniversary number my husband and I are celebrating this year.  I'm not sure, but I've been having some fun with Winter Wedding Earrings. Will your groom say sweet nothings in your ear and melt these away?