F is for Family #atozchallenge

April 06, 2013

Bie genealogy book

One of my hobbies (or should I say obsessions?) is genealogical research.  It can be all consuming and a huge time sucker, like some social media, so once I complete a genealogical project I tell myself no more for a while.  The last project I completed was in collaboration with two of my relatives across the pond in Scotland and England.  We published the Bie family history calling it The Flight of the Solway Bies since our roots are around the Solway Firth area of Scotland.

I've been wanting to do a couple other book projects for my mother's side of the family since they've been in North America since we were English colonies.  Unfortunately, I lack photos as well as an older generation that is interested.  However, I have got lots of names since they were in the United States and the Ancestry website is so awesome!  

baby photo

Wasn't my Mom an adorable baby?!

Recently my Uncle by marriage turned over the family photos and misc. items into my safe keeping.  There are some photos I didn't have and more information on my Grandfather who served in WWII so I am so grateful.  

My Grandfather was the Lieutenant Commander on the Catfish submarine in the Pacific during WWII  and after the war was its Commander until July 1948I'm afraid he's blown on the embers of my research desire.  

I can soon expect to hear my husband walk by and ask me if I'm working on my dead people again.  Yep.

A word of advice:  If you have even an inkling of interest in your ancestry, Start NOW!  None of us are getting any younger and some memories fade more than others.  Capture the memories of your grandparents, parents, Aunts and Uncles now.  Preserve and label family photos for future generations.  I took some photos to my Mom last week out of this new batch and unfortunately there were some she could not identify.  My Grandmother probably could have, but sadly it's too late for her to help me.

I collect old family photos from antique stores.  There is something about them that pulls at my heartstrings.  Actually I know what:  that no one labeled them and/or no one wanted them.  Please find someone in your family that will value them and pass them on when it's time.